Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Love The Swine, More Than You Know

Ok. Swine flu (or whatever they wanna call it now) has been all up in the news the past few days. Anyone who knows me know that I lubs me some bacon, ham, pork ribs, pork chops, all dat. I was relieved to hear that it's not something that you can catch from partaking in those fine delicacies. Well, at least not yet. You know how these things work. They tell you that you can't get it through this, this, and this, and then someone catches it through this, and the FDA and CDC are retracting their statements and shyt. It's a serious matter that has taken lives so I don't have no jokes about it except for the picture above.

Anyway, it got me to thinking. Decades ago when AIDS and HIV hit, there wasn't really such a mass alarm sounded at first. As I type, I'm watching President Obama's News Conference about his first 100 days and he's talking about this flu. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I SWEAR I don't remember hearing this type of attention given when AIDS first hit. Think about it.


*thought processed*

Hmmm... Reflecting on when AIDS was first brought into the spotlight, I remember it was a disease that they only thought affected homosexual males. *DING* That explains it. I recall many people saying that it was God's way of letting the gays know that what they was doing is wrong. It was a plague and individuals dismissed it because it didn't affect people in their circle. As it grew and became passed on through heroin and other intravenous drug users, it began affecting more Blacks in metropolitan areas. Again, there wasn't really an alarm. It's just killing the niggas...UNTIL heterosexual whites began contracting the disease. That's when the shyt hit the fan.

My question is: What if the government would've hopped all over this at its onslaught the way that they are doing with swine flu?? Would it have helped to stop the epidemic that has claimed so many lives over the past three decades? Would less babies be born with the virus already attacking their immune system? Would Eazy-E still be alive?

Who knows?

Although I feel like the government does have some type of responsibility in providing a healthy way of life for its constituents and protect us from the swine flu, I think it's wrong for BILLIONS of dollars to be spent on such a disease when people are already dieing at alarming rates due to cancer, AIDS, heart disease, etc. etc..

What are your thoughts?

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