Saturday, June 7, 2008


I've decided to do a post on the SINGLE AND FOREMOST thing that has Plagued America since it's root.

Because of the current political climate, I feel it's neccessary to bring forth this one.

Once Barack Obama clinched the Democratic Nomination for Presidency of the U.S., there were SO MANY outlets declaring that Sen. Hillary Clinton should drop out of the RACE. In a way, folks were RACING for her to drop out the RACE because she apparently had slim-to-none chance of winning.


I listen to Michael Baisden's radio show on the regular. I love the show although he threw me off one day when he, nor his staff, didn't know Condoleeza's Rice position in our government, especially when his show is SO politically charged at times. He suggested that Hillary be Obama's "Condoleeza Rice" and adopt that position...not even knowing what that position was initially until a caller or his staff members did an internet search and presented the answer.


As a fan, I was discouraged.


Very Dicouraged.

Hell, I'm a fan...who can blame me for not being a little disturbed by Baisden AND his staff not knowing immediately who the Secretary of State was. With a good number of issues that they discuss that are relevant to RACE, how can they NOT know that Collin Powell was the FIRST Black American Secretary of State and Condolezza Rice proceeded him in being the second. That's. Not. Cool.

Instead of hearing the same regurgitated music on the radio in my afternoon drive, I'd rather listen to Baisden (while switching back and forth to hear the edutainment Ryan Cameron and deleting the songs that parade on his station) primarily because this is considered to be "Grown Folk's Radio". This was a problem with me then but certain contradictions continued in the past week when Baisden constantly suggested that Clinton bow out the RACE. In the end, that's his opinion and he's entitled to it. I respect that.

As an Barack Obama suppoter, I do still see the irony in that. Placing a time-straint such as that is similar to how the media will place that time-straint the Democratic Nominee to RACING his selection of whom he choose to be on the ticket with him. It's unfair. By all means, Obama should delegate whatever time he needs to select a running-mate. It's a difficult decision as is suspendending a campaign that you've worked endlessly and tirelessly on. Well, I guess Billary did get tired at times.


It's cool that Hillary bowed out of the RACE (pun VERY MUCH SO INTENDED throughout this post), but for certain media outlets to suggest that she should have done it immediately is completely contradictory. I agree with many of her stances on issues and there's not much a difference between how she and Obama feels.

So while all the media RACES to focus on who will be a running mate, I hope that some of us don't RACE so quick when it comes to Obama making a decision immediately.

If you do, as such media outlets, THAT's where the CONTRADICTION lies.


***End Note: You'll be a fool to think that RACE dosen't play a major force in who's selected to be the next president of the United States.

What are your thoughts??

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