Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Move, She Stayed...

By now, I'm sure you all know that R.Kelly was acquitted on all the charges he's been looking at and avoiding for the past seven years. I'm not going to comment too much on the case and the seriousness of the charges because I'm not one to judge. If he infact did do what they alleged against him then God will deal with him accordingly.

I never really thought that he'd be locked up though based on the fact that the female who people claimed to be on the tape with him denied that it was her. If there's no victim, there's no crime.

Anyway, I know you've probably seen this Boondocks episode a trillion times, but it's still funny as hell. I can't help but to crack up laughing when Riley says, "I see piss comin', I move...she saw piss comin', she stayed..." Too Funny!!


Monk said...

they took away the link I posted so check the one below...

Telese said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I love Boondocks!!!!....want to say something about the case though....the charges were all child pornography which in order to find all elements the tape must be validated/verified and if he (R. Kelly) disputes that it was him and the woman would not verify that it was her in the court no one is verifiying that the tape is real, therefore all elements of the crime not found and he goes free. People need to learn the law, I knew based on the facts he wasn't going to jail and people laughed when I said he wasn't in the beginning, making decisions based on emotion is how we contiually get fucked over.

Princess Kandy said...

Way too funny...

As for the R. Kelly trial. Yeah I kind of figured from day one that he would be free. Once they said that the "victim" was related to his former artist Sparkle, I knew it was over.

I truly believe it was a revenge thing for being dropped from the label.

But hey, its just my opinion.

Monk said...

@Telese: "making decisions based on emotion is how we continually get fucked over."

This makes for a GREAT blog topic!! I agree 100%. (I was gonna say "110%" but don't you just hate when people say that?? LOL!!)