Just the other day, a friend of mine posted a status on her FB page that read: "Problems are a sign of life!! The only people that don't have problems live in cemetaries. In other words...if you don't have a problem, you don't have a life!"
I couldn't agree less.
I understand that her premise is based on the fact that problems are going to arise throughout our lives and we must learn from them because they strengthen us. The adversities that we face develops character and instead of shunning so-called problems, we should embrace them and tackle them because inherently, they are inevitable and we can't let them break us.
I call bullshyt.
I agree that life's adversities does all that it's suppose to do when looking at them in a positive light. It's the concept that if you lose, you really win because now you know what you did wrong and you can learn from that and be better...so therefore, in essence, you STILL "win". Or as Terrance Howard so eloquently stated in the film "Get Rich Or Die Trying": "Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right..."
But problems?
C'mon now...I'm trying to steer away from those. I'm not going out in search of problems (sounds crazy but some people do) in order to "strengthen" my character. If I'm alleviated of financial problems, career set-backs, and drama amongst family and friends, my life will be no less boring. Actually, it'd be GREAT!!
As stated in a previous post, I don't want any "haters". I want people to love, respect, and accept me for who I am...but that's a different story.
*in my Jennifer HUDSON impersonation because it's no question, she did the song better*
"And you...and You...and YOU...YOU'RE GONNA LOVE MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Okay...that was gay.
I'm not though. NTTAWWT.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, problems and shyt.
As an adult, (you like how I didn't use the played-out, overrated, non-funny-no-mo' term "grown-ass-man"), I don't want, and don't need problems and drama. Call me simple, but I'm striving for a life free of problems.
That's a word we all love, right?
So to that, I say, "Fuck Problems!" I like to think of myself as a well-adjusted adult and my life is neither boring, nor typical. I'm by no means where I want to be, but granted, I don't want more problems. Call me unrealistic if you may, but I won't design my life in a way that welcomes problems. I'll be prepared when they derive, but my goal is to eliminate as many of those as they come.
The End.
P.S. I just realized why I titled this post with the title I did.
Bottomline: It's too many people living their WHOLE lives "In the PURSUIT of happiness", but missing out on the joy and bliss they are suppose to experience by merely living.
Hey Monk! Yeah, I'm down for happiness and all that, but happiness is also the pursuit of avoiding problems as you well know.
Study well in advance of a test, pay your bills before they're due, get the oil changed on schedule, have batteries and candles in the house, extra money and condoms for emergencies (lol, I don't mean they are to be used together, although for some folks this is necessity), and remember to water the plants each week.
ha, you're funny. i totally agree. happy late bday. (how sad that we've come to this form of communication).
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