"Respected highly, hi Mr. O'Reilly / Hope all is well, kiss the plaintiff and the wifey"
- Ludacris "Number One Spot"
These sly lyrics were penned by Luda as somewhat of a backhanded shout out to the ultra conservative talk show host after he faced sexual harrassment charges from one of his show's producers. He settled out. For millions.
The top-rated cable news host has said he was humiliated by the suit, which charged that he spoke to Mackris about sexual fantasies, masturbation and vibrators while sometimes seeming to pleasure himself. But for O'Reilly to strike a settlement without an expression of regret, which is often demanded in litigation against high-profile figures, is a partial victory that spares him further embarrassment.
Morelli did not respond to requests for comment last night.
Describing himself as an "object of media scorn," O'Reilly told viewers: "On a personal note, this matter has caused enormous pain, but I had to protect my family and I did. Some of the media hammered me relentlessly because, as you know, I am a huge target, as is Fox News. . . .
Washington Post
Karma's a muthafugga, ain't it? As some of you know, O'Reilly spearheaded a slanderous campaign against Ludacris' lyrics resulting in him losing a multi-million dollar endorsement deal with Pepsi Cola.
Well, ol' Bill is at it again.
After a celebratory performance in honor of Barack Obama, Bill has lashed out at Young Jeezy and Jay-Z.
Now really, just in that brief clip, O'Reilly and Miller goes on to talk about a slew of things that has NOTHING to do with anything and it causes me to question what's his REAL motive. Jeezy thanked the journalist who threw shoes at Bush and the movers that moved Bush's stuff out of the White House. Jay-Z basically said he's tired of "Bush". Dennis Miller goes on to talk about hoes (apparently he's talking about how the word is used in hip hop music), the single-parent rate in the Black community, and even stoops to name-calling. Keep in mind, Jeezy nor Jay said nothing about hoes or having sex. Maybe he misconstrued or didn't catch Jay's wordplay on the "I don't want no more Bush" line. It's obvious that the underlined theme is being overjoyed that George W. is no longer the President of the United States and Barack Obama is. Anyway...Right after this, O'Reilly agrees with Miller and talks about the civility level of the artists.
Are you serious? After all the immature name-calling that he does on his show (pin-head), is he really going there with it?? Both of these dudes' obnoxious, insidious, close-minded personalities are on public display everyday on his cable and radio show. Is that what makes for good role models?
I'm just asking...
Now don't get me wrong. Sometimes I watch The Factor and O'Reilly and Miller make some valid points. The thing is, you have to listen REAL hard and not get distracted with the playground bickering and hollering that these grown folks do...on television...in front of an audience of millions...on a nightly basis.
All I'm saying is, Bill, be careful of who you throw under the bus. Although Jay-Z and Young Jeezy might not pose any threat to you, there's a shift in power coming. Cease with the playground tactics and stop throwing stones buddy.
Well said. Both O'Reilly and Miller are closed minded, and did a great job of clearly portraying themselves as the TV undercover racists which they are. The mockery the two of them made is ridiculous. Jay's verse was amazing (and yes, offensive in some ways depending on who you are - but that's hip hop, and America for that matter). O'Reilly and Miller just can't comprehend. Yo did you catch the whole verse in the video from the Belvedere - Obama party? Check it, crazy:
Good writing ... well spoken
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