Monday, August 4, 2008

Politrix Are For Kids

Less than a week ago, I posted a lil' video of Ludacris making his endorsement clear in the best way that he can - artistically. Chris is a wise dude, smart dude. His talent speaks for itself and his service to his community and beyond should duly be recognized. I've seen the Ludacris Foundation doing their thing and I commend him and the staff for ALL they have done.

After that, comes the backlash. WTF??

The messed up thing with artists is that their VOICE is loud. It resonates...and it stirs emotions (if done so properly). Whether it be a painter, photographer, recording artist, actor/actress, sculptor, writer, director, dancer, fashion designer, whatever - despite what parents and conservatives want you to believe, there's SO much power in the arts.

The arts have the power to shape public belief (once again, if done so properly) OR it may serve as merely an expression of one person's emotions and beliefs. Whatever the intentions, art is fuckin' art - that's MY 2 Cents.

Within his verse in support of Obama's campaign for presidency, Luda's lyrics takes jabs at naysayers such as H. Clinton, J. Jackson, J. McCain, and G.W. Bush.

He called Hillary a "bitch"...he said that Jesse Jackson really meant the disparaging remarks he made about cutting Obama's nuts off...he referred to John McCain's age...he referenced Bush's approval rating as him being 'arguably' the WORST PRESIDENT IN UNITED STATES HISTORY. This is an "artist's" opinion by the way.

I'm STILL waitng to see what did Luda do wrong. If he had NOT voiced his opinion or just been silent, then people would still jump out the woodwork and ask how he felt about this year's election process. I mean, they do it to everybody in the public eye (unless their PR people bans those type of questions).

My whole thing is that Chris Bridges didn't say ANYTHING new that we haven't heard before. He echoed HIS voice as well as MILLIONS of others across the nation. Does Hillary come off as 'bitchy'?? YES!! Is Jesse bitter than a muafugga and his apology seems insincere?? Yep!! Is George W. Bush dumb?? YESSIR!!

***SIDENOTE: I'm not gonna say that GWB is 'officially' dumb, I'm more inclined to say that the people who voted for him are 'dumb', but that's another matter. ENDSIDENOTE***
These are sentiments that millions of Americans subscribe to. So to come down on a freakin' artist for expressing their opinion seems like a great stretch. If your ideas speak for itself (as Obama just happen to), you wouldn't have to REACH as far as these cats are reaching.

For Sean Hannity and FOX NEWS to make this an issue and to note that this is another "radical association" is an insult to the minds of Americans.

Yet, again, something else that the Republican machine uses to divert attention off of the REAL issues. Yet, again, someone using HipHop as an easy target. That's beyond played out and I hope middle-America will see through the tactics.

We've got a few months left and I'm hoping cats aren't distracted by the Shullbit.


Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

I love Ludacris. Always have and always will. I particularly like that song, Politics. Unfortunately, he got fried for speaking the truth. White racists used it as some sort of perverse weapon against Barack, while most of the black blogs I've read showed regret that he did it.

It's all about our fear - fear by blacks that whites won't vote for Barack to be elected (but the kind of whites that think like this won't vote for him anyway), and fear of already fearful whites that he'll somehow be more dangerous in the WH than Bush has been.

As for Hillary, she's a nuisance, and I won't forget her linking Obama to Robert Kennedy's June assassination as though she were just hanging around and waiting for this to happen to him. She's still making a nuisance of herself this week by stirring up her more rabid supporters and wanting time at the DNC convention.

Again Luda was correct about Jesse Jackson too - he should have manned up to what he said and explained why he's pissed at Obama on that religion issue.

I'm sorry you haven't gotten comments on this, but I'm not surprised - you're a voice in the wilderness on this issue. That's okay; it's often the one who whispers who correct. Time will prove you right.

Monk said...

Thanks kit.

I've read other black blogs and was apalled to see how cats were throwing Ludacris under the bus. MOST Black people (and millions of whites)share the same sentiments as Luda so why is he SO wrong for saying it??

He's a fuckin' ARTIST and THAT'S what artists do!!

Princess Kandy said...

I commented about the song in the blog before this...but I have ny own sidebar....all the curse words you use when you blog, and you choose at the end to say Shullbit???? LMAO

That's why you are the Guru!!!