Wednesday, July 23, 2008

C'mon Now Rev.

In this photo that ran in the National Enquirer Thursday, Jesse Jackson and his mistress, Karin Stanford (circled), appear with President Clinton and two Rainbow Coalition staffers on Dec. 3, 1998, five months before Jackson's baby was born.

Rev. Jesse Jackson obviously has issues and at least disdain for Barack Obama. Myself, and many others, have chalked it up as him being salty because his relevance in today's society is slipping away and Obama is accomplishing feats that he failed to do. Add in my theory that n*ggas will ALWAYS have SOMETHING negative to say about other n*ggas (Black-on-Black crime is what I call it) and there you have it - a disgruntled, contradicting, has-been who has cabalistic desires of castrating another man as if he was a homosexual, scorn ex-lover or something.

However, in a recent interview with the National Enquirer, Jesse Jackson's mistress, Karin Stanford, gives another reason I didn't consider at first. READ THIS.

She exclaims that Obama's Father Day speech in Chicago set off feelings of guilt in the 66-year-old Reverend. Having a child out of wed-lock from an extra-marital affair and taking minimal responsibility for said child goes completely against Obama's "We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn't just end at conception."


When Jesse verbalized "Barack's been talking down to black people...I want to cut his nuts off," could Rev. Jackson possibly be referring to Obama's words about absentee fathers? Of course dead-beat dads isn't solely a 'black' phenomenon, but I'd be remiss if I didn't note that it is very prevalent in the black community. Is that what he meant by "talking down to..."? If Jesse raised his damn child and accepted his 9-year-old daughter as part of his family, would he still possess the rage in his heart that he has when someone mentions fathers lacking in their parental responsibilities?

At any rate, there comes a time in a man's life when he needs to be the fuck quiet. When will Jesse do just that?


Don said...

I couldn't agree more. That's interesting concerning how he and his mistress were @ The White House.

Princess Kandy said...

LOL...Jesse Jackson will never shut up. He will talk to every Psychic who will listen to him, from beyond the grave.